Where did the blog go? It’s been over a month! It’s been forever!! I want to see pictures of the renovation! Of the kitchen! Send me something! What happened to the Designer’s Renovation Journey?
Well, last year Santa gave us the task of working on his living room design. I think we did a great job. You can see the feed on our instagram from December 2015…
This year, we tackled his bedroom which was quite the challenge. It was full of random Christmas items from bygone years (thing #TBT). A bit of overkill if you please.
The long-awaited day has finally arrived and here you have it Greenery 15-0343, Pantone’s 2017 colour of the year.
I don’t even know where to even begin with this one!! I think the general feeling about 2016 is let’s move on and get a fresh new start for 2017, and this colour will definitely send us in that direction. Greenery gives us endless possibilities with so many different applications and colour palettes!! Its just one of those colours that can blend into any style of space.
I’m always game when the world of design moves in the direction of good wine. What? Oh, sorry, did I write that out loud? Marsala, a wine produced in the region surrounding the Italian city of Marsala, AND, the Pantone colour of the year (#18-438). An earthy brownish-red that is described by Pantone Color Institute Executive Director Leatrice Eiseman as “nurturing and fulfilling…Marsala is a natural fit for your kitchen or dining room, making it ideal for tabletop, small appliances and linens throughout the home.”
So I suffer from severe Christmas envy. I grew up with a minister’s daughter for a best friend, and every year, I got to go over and do up the tree and get a present. (Read my last post for more of this mushy stuff) So, as a modern 2014 Jewish mommy, my goal is to make this holiday as fun and festive as Christmas.
To start off with, they have this advent thingy. It’s a luscious cardboard box with daily tabs that open up to reveal yummy chocolates. WELL!!! I love chocolate!!!! So, why not make a Hanukkah one? And maybe fill it with not only some Hanukkah Gelt (wrapped chocolates that look like coins), or some little gifty items like lip gloss, or even a yo-yo I picked up for my son! I’ve got hair clips and Kinder Surprises, and all kinds of cute dollar-store-type items that my kids will just love. Imagine getting to open one of these little packages every single day of Hanukkah!! That’s 8 days of fun!!