Revolutionary Fabrics

I have been working in the design industry for over twenty years now. Most of those years have been fabric filled. It’s really an obsession of sorts. My reps come to visit my office, they bring armfulls of new books. The books are filled with swatches of new and exciting fabrics, textures, colours and patterns. The smell of the fabric fills the room. The colours bounce around and the patterns dance like butterflies around my head. Okay that’s super hokey. But seriously. One the the best parts of my job is finding the perfect fabrics for a space.
Drapery fabric. Makes a statement. Warms up a room. Creates mood and a luxe vibe. As long as ice-cream kiddie fingers aren’t grabbing them, they will look good for a really long time.
And furniture! Who doesn’t love a soft velvety sofa with cushions that scream pretty, or industrial or chic or fun or bright or carribean or a combo of any of those and so many more! Those toss cushions! How we designers love thee! And how many hours have I spent picking out the perfect fabrics ?!?!?
It sometimes drives me mad. But it’s fun. And I love it.

But then you present the fabrics, that you just love, to your client and the client will inevitably ask:
“Is it durable?”
And you wince. Because. Likely. Not. At. All.
But times have changed!! And now, us designers are armed with these insane new fabrics that have these finishes on them that are, what we call, revolutionary!
YES!! YES!! Yes, she screamed from the rooftops! “They are durable!”
Little Miss Ice-Cream Hands simply cannot destroy it!
Little Mr. Chocolate Milk is no longer a threat!
Fido can stay in the house now!

What is a revolutionary fabric?
Well, there are several brands out there, many boast the following:
The fabrics are stain, moisture and odor resistant, many are environmentally friendly as well.
I love this whole idea. I have a sofa at home that is slipcovered. It was once cream coloured. And at the time I got it, my children were not even one. It was pretty great. But we washed it at lot. And one day, someone through the cover in the dryer. Goodbye slipcover!
When we completed our renovation just this past year, I decided to recover that same sofa, which now, 7 years later, had outlived it’s second skin (gray and not such a great look with my new space). I chose a navy blue velvet fabric. A revolutionary fabric.
The day the movers arrived with it was a great one. I was so happy. The main floor was complete, my new kitchen was about to be featured in a magazine and my gorgeous new slipcover was about to make it’s debut.
The Dreaded Yogurt Spill
Not 30 minutes later and my son spilled a yogurt smoothie all over it. No kidding. The thick, milky, strawberry/blueberry slop just wiped off. WIPED OFF. No soap. No washing machine. No panic. No 7 year old tears. Just wiped off. And I have been a super-fan ever since.
We recently finished our Goldenwood project. Kitchen chairs and bench seat, Maxwell Crypton Fabrics.
There are many examples of our clients opting for the safer fabrics in the last few years. Wouldn’t you?
If that’s not testament enough, here is some more evidence….I have been trying for half an hour…this platform only allows me a tiny snippit of a video. Not worth it. So…for the whole thing check out our Facebook or Instagram pages.
In all, the new materials out there have been created to help us live our lifestyles without compromise. So get that dog, have that party, let the kids eat on the sofa…and let us help you do that!
We can custom make any furniture you need. Any size, style, level of softness, colour, whatever your heart desires, whatever fits into your space. We can do it. And now, we can do it with Crypton.
Oh and look at how beautiful this Meredith Heron Crypton fabric for JF Fabrics is….

Have a terrific day!
Hi I am interested in getting a quote for some interior decorating for my home living and dining room pls , I have a budget.
Thank you! Please call the office and let us know how we can help.