Murphy’s Law – A Bathroom Renovation
Well. I don’t often write about what can go wrong on a jobsite. But, being in the world of design and construction, the odds are, something will go wrong every once in a while.
Well. I don’t often write about what can go wrong on a jobsite. But, being in the world of design and construction, the odds are, something will go wrong every once in a while.
Drapery hardware is a huge mystery to those who do not manufacture or install it. Many clients of mine will stare up at their windows and look at me, a blank look on their faces, and say “I don’t know what to do. How do we hang it?” I generally smile back and respond with a bunch of technical information and then let them know that I’ll just email them some finial options for their decorative rods, or I’ll pull a piece of I-beam out of my bag and hold it up for them. The explanation of the hardware ends up taking up more time than deciding on the actual style of the drapery and its glorious fabric. Here are some basic hardware options, and their applications.
There comes a day, in most adults lives, if you have been working at your career long enough, when being humbled happens. Click. Humbled.
For me, this happens often.
For how many years have we been swarming silver tones? Chrome. Nickel. Stainless. Platinum. It’s been a decade? At least. Well, it’s finally time to warm up and get some classic back. Gold is making its comeback. Some of it is still brassy…but most of it has that satin or brushed finish that’s, well, simply divine.
Figuring out what size your area rug should be is a question we get quite often. Clients have an old rug that was passed on from their mother, or grandmother, and they really want to use it, but does it fit? And now that you have all of this lovely hardwood flooring, do you really have to cover it up?
The honest answer is no. If you want your hardwood to shine, then just leave the rug out. But if the comfort and ‘look’ of a rug is something that you are after, go big or go home.
Spring is finally upon us. After a long Canadian winter, it is a welcome time for us all. So, with most of us spending so much time at home, what better time to get to your spring home maintenance?
One of the questions our team is often asked is; “what are the important things to remember at home this time of year?”. Therefore, here is a checklist we have created for you, to make sure you keep your home in tip-top shape this year. You can print it and keep it up on a corkboard, fridge or in a safe spot, so you can refer to it every year.
Continue reading “23 Point Spring Home Maintenance Checklist”
Where did the blog go? It’s been over a month! It’s been forever!! I want to see pictures of the renovation! Of the kitchen! Send me something! What happened to the Designer’s Renovation Journey?
Continue reading “Designer’s Renovation Journey in Toronto Home!”
When Maureen and Craig first called us, I was very excited. They are family with some really great people I know. I went down to the city to meet them, and just as I expected, they were pretty terrific.
It’s fun, actually. Cooking with your kids. My kids love cooking, especially my son, Logan. He’s been in my kitchen since he was about four. Standing on stools, covered in an apron and oven mitts “to here”. My daughter, Zoe, well she is more of a restaurant manager. She is just like Mommy.
Continue reading “A recipe for health: Creating a healthy kitchen”
When Sonia and Jay first called us in, they had spoken to other contractors first. I can’t remember if it was 1 or 2. What I do remember, is they had some grand plans for their main floor, and when they laid it all out for me, I truly felt they were planning too much for their space. Their intent was to open up their kitchen to their den/living room/family room, whatever you want to call it. For a townhouse whose main floor consisted of those two spaces plus a dining area, in my opinion, it seemed a bit much.